Did you know? Lamb has fewer calories, more cancer-fighting CLA, more omega-3’s and less saturated fat than beef?
Sadly, few people in the United States realize that lamb meat is both delicious and readily available. In fact, Americans eat “less than one pound of lamb per person per year. Compare that with lamb-loving New Zealanders and Australians (who enjoy 57 pounds and 30 pounds per person per year, respectively)”.
While lamb is an excellent source of nutritionally complete protein, providing all eight essential amino acids in the right ratios, it is also an awesome source of vitamins as well. Lamb is also a good source of omega 3 fats, those same healthy fats often found in cold-water fish, that have been show to reduce inflammation, boost brain health and guard against cancer and heart disease.
One four ounce serving of lamb provides:
- 41% of the RDA for Vitamin B12– This vitamin is essential for healthy nervous and digestive systems, for energy production, to reduce heart-harming homocysteine and more.
- 49% of the RDA for Selenium– An antioxidant micronutrient that is vital for healthy cell division and cancer protection, thyroid health and detoxification.
- 39% of the RDA for Vitamin B3– Helps convert food into fuel (glucose), is essential for the nervous system, helps the body make hormones, and is important for healthy circulation.
- 31% of the RDA for Zinc– A mineral with an important role in immune function, as well as the synthesis of proteins and DNA in the body.
- 23% of the RDA for Phosphorous– A mineral needed for healthy bones and teeth, as well as aiding the body in using carbohydrates and fats and making protein.
- 15% of the RDA for Iron– A mineral that is necessary to make hemoglobin and myoglobin, the proteins in red blood cells and muscles that help transport and store oxygen.
According to research, “Almost 40% of the fats in lamb come from oleic acid. This is the monosaturated fat best known for its prevalence in the Mediterranean diet and a reduced risk of heart
disease. Lamb is also one of the best known sources of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). This is a unique fat that is found only in the meat and milk of ruminants (ie. cows, goats, sheep). CLA has been associated with a plethora of health benefits, including improved immune function, reduced inflammation, healthy bone mass, as well as blood sugar regulation, weight loss and improved lean body mass!” (Source: https://healinggourmet.com/superfoods/health-benefits-of-lamb/ )
You are what you eat! It is important to know your lamb provider. While the majority of cattle and lambs are grain fed to help fatten them up faster, their natural food is grass. Grass-fed lamb provide up to 50% higher levels of CLS, Omega-3s, and oleic acid. (Source: http://www.oprah.com/health/is-it-healthy-to-eat-lamb#ixzz52fUM75j3)